
Arianna Lanci

Arianna Lanci, soprano

Arianna Lanci, soprano

Born in Rimini and graduated in philosophy at the University of Bologna, Arianna earned her voice degree at the Conservatory G. Rossini in Pesaro, where she studied with Evghenia Dundekova. Later, she perfected her vocal technique with Michael Aspinall, Hagint Vartanian and Sherman Lowe. She attended master-classes on the Baroque repertoire by Gloria Banditelli, Jill Feldman, Monica Bacelli and Rinaldo Alessandrini, and she refined the baroque performing praxis with Roberta Invernizzi. She also got a two-years master degree in Renaissance and Baroque singing at the Conservatory A. Pedrollo in Vicenza under the supervision of Patrizia Vaccari.Among the many acknowledgements received, she was selected as finalist in many competitions, including the International Competition of Sacred Music of Rome (2009), the International Competition of Baroque Singing “Francesco Provenzale” (2009), and the International Competition of Opera Singing “City of Bologna” (2011). Finally, Arianna won the Prize “Fatima Terzo” at the 6th Competition of Early Musique of Vicenza Conservatory (2012) and the First Prize at the 1st International Competition of Baroque Singing “La musica dei Papi” (The Music of Popes) in Pienza (2011). Arianna devoted herself to early, baroque and contemporary music. She made her operatic debut as Nice in Serenata a tre by A. Vivaldi at the Theatre G. Rossini in Pesaro, and, then, she appeared as Nice in Semele by Haendel, as Phalti in the world premiere of Susanna by Gazzaniga, and as Dido in Dido and Aeneas by H. Purcell. Besides operatic repertoire, she sings chamber music. Since 2010 she has been the soloist of Rosantico, an ensemble of Italian music devoted to the 16th century chamber by Italian female composers like Barbara Strozzi, Francesca Caccini e Antonia Bembo. She also performed as soloist in Caldara’s Te Deum, as Soprano II solo in Bach’s Magnificat, Perti’s Messa in si minore et Charpentier’s Missa de Minuit et Te Deum, and as Contralto solo in Bach’s Actus Tragicus and Schutz’ Die sieben Worte Jesu Christi. Since 2011 she has been frequently on stage with the pianist Lisa Calamosca, the pianist Stefania Redaelli and the pianist and composer Mario Totaro, with whom she has given many Contemporary music recitals, including L. Berio’s Folksongs and A. Schoenberg’s Pierrot Lunaire, and pieces from other composers like De Falla, Ravel and Debussy. The conductors Arianna has worked with include Claudio Astronio, Alfredo Bernardini, Alberto Busettini, Giovanni Battista Columbro, Paolo Faldi, Marco Mencoboni, Riccardo Muti and Christopher Stembridge. Arianna has performed operatic roles and/or soloist roles in many festivals, including Ravenna Festival, Festival Galuppi (Venezia), Sagra Musicale Malatestiana (Rimini), Musica Amoeni Loci (Pesaro), Chiese, Corti, Cortili (Bologna), San Giacomo Festival (Bologna), Grandezze e Meraviglie (Modena), Festival Lodoviciano (Viadana), Festival Città di Crema (Crema), Autunno Musicale (Marostica), Dopo il Rumore (Vicenza), Echi Lontani (Cagliari), Invaghite Note (Piemonte) and Kalendamaya (Piemonte). She has performed as soloist in the theatres and auditoriums of Vicenza (both Teatro Comunale, Teatro Olimpico, and Auditorium Canneti), Castelfranco (Teatro Accademico), Fano (Teatro della Fortuna), Padova (Auditorium Pollini), Verona (Auditorium Nuovo Montemezzi), Venezia (Palazzo Pisani), Milano (Auditorium San Fedele, and Sala Verdi) and Tarvisio (Teatro Comunale), and Villach. She has recorded with Ipecac Recordings and Tactus and she performed live during the program Piazza Verdi aired on Rai Radio Tre. Finally, Arianna devotes herself to the oral music traditions, and in particular on the repertoire of Ashkenazi and Sephardic diasporas. In 2003 she founded the ensemble Ananke, with which she participated to many festival in Italy, Europe and Israel. Since 2012 she has been the singer of the trio Aman Sepharad in many festivals throughout Italy and in Switzerland.

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